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Written by Ketzal Sterling    Thursday, 20 December 2007 03:59     E-mail
Piaggio MP3 250
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Piaggio MP3 250
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Now…what if you were born with a third arm? Would it be good or would it be bad? I guess people would point and stare and that I imagine could get uncomfortable, but not if you liked the attention. Now…what if this extra arm was fully functional and you were say…a boxer. I bet you’d want to keep that extra arm. This brings us to the Piaggio MP3 250 RL, it has as you’ve probably noticed, three wheels; two up front and one in back. Why you ask? Because Piaggio think it’s better than two of course.

Now you ask the million dollar question, is it better? Well to put it simply…for a majority of people, yes it’s better. The additional front wheel allows you to stop quicker; it certainly feels more secure when riding on poor surfaces and unquestionably it’s safer in the rain. Would I buy one, you know what? If they make a sportier model with a larger engine I very well might do just that. You may be wondering how it all works, I’ll sum it up quickly, it just does. If you’d like to know the technical aspects of the three wheel design just scroll down to the links which go into more technical detail. What I’ll do here is give you the basic run down on what the Piaggio MP3 250 is actually like to ride and use.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 06 August 2008 15:09 )


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