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Written by Ketzal Sterling    Tuesday, 29 January 2008 04:37     E-mail
Yamaha Jog
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Yamaha Jog
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The other day someone asked me why I was riding such a piece of *%#@...scooter. I was like, well…now that solves my photo location; I’ll do it in a toilet. Classic scooters come in all shapes and sizes; some of them are cool and some of them are not. I’m not sure where to class the 1988 Yamaha Jog 50 just yet - here’s the run down.

Back in 1988 50cc scooters didn’t have the emission requirements and idiotic power restrictions that we now take for granted; so a 50cc machine from twenty years ago has a very real chance of beating a modern bike in the performance stakes. In fairness it does this by polluting the very world we live in…but performance is PARAMOUNT so who really cares if you end up glowing orange from some form of two stroke carbon poisoning…at least you’ll be going fast. (There’s a tongue firmly planted in my cheek here my sensitive friends).

It’s very interesting comparing older scooters to modern scooters because really, not much has changed. I’ll start with the bad. First off the 1988 Jog is somewhat ugly…not hideous deformed gumboot ugly; it’s more Buck Rogers meets Road Runner in a head on accident ugly. Yeah it’s kinda cute…but so is a rat, and you wouldn’t ride around on a rat would you…I guess you’d probably squash it so that comparison has no real merit. Yamaha called it a ‘Stylish Sensation’ back when it was released…they probably should have called it ‘Nothing very sensational at all, just another scooter with no real original thought used in it’s design at all’…that however would have been a very long sticker so I guess they went with ‘Stylish Sensation’ because it was shorter…yeah that’s why!

Last Updated ( Friday, 20 February 2009 11:19 )


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